Saturday, March 26, 2011

Captain America : The First Avenger - Trailer online!

There's a trailer out for Captain America : The First Avenger!

It's been a while since I've written anything, which has been pretty disappointing. Fortunately, it's largely been for great reasons, like starting a contract at Rising Sun Pictures. It's been a lot of work that has left me without the energy to keep up with half of the shows I'm supposed to be watching/reviewing (not to mention a big Chuck diversion that's taken over), and even less energy to sit down and write about it all.

Having said that, there's a trailer out for Captain America : The First Avenger!

Making a few comments on a trailer felt like a good way to ease back into the writing, so first let's check it out and then we'll comment.

That... was... awesome. One day I'll grow up and expand the ol' lexicon to include some more specific adjectives, but for now 'awesome' will do just fine.

I can't decide if I'm more excited by Thor or Captain America, and that's a pretty exciting position to be in as a Marvel fanboy. I was never really into Cap, outside of his involvement in The Avengers, but I've always loved pulp adventure movies set in the WW2 era. I'm digging what Joe Johnston has brought to the film, and I especially love the fact that it seems like a relatively angst free superhero story. Shocking right?

Chris Evans looks picture perfect as Steve Rogers, amazingly both in his pre and post Super Soldier Serum stages. The visual fx work turning Evan's into the scrawny Steve is outstanding and seems so perfectly integrated into the story and thematic motifs of valuing strength and power. The resulting transformation is all the more staggering for the comparison.

In fact, the entire aesthetic of the film is beautiful, going for that pulpy romanticised sheen that good Adventure movies have, offering up wonderfully composed shots and some lovely period costuming and production design. We get glimpses of the Howling Commandos, Hydra Troops *, Hugo Weaving as Red Skull, Cap and Bucky in action and MOST importantly, Captain America throwing his Shield, it ricocheting off walls and him catching it.

See... awesome!

1 comment:

  1. worrying about the plot twist at the end. I think your review of the movie was done very well. Thanks for reviewing this movie!
