Ultron 5 & The
Ultron Imperative back to back is the culmination of almost a season's worth of foreshadowing in
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
. Peppered throughout previous episodes of the series have been glimpses of Ant-Man's Ultron Synthezoid constructs, with the Avengers recently using them to defend against Kang the Conqueror's invasion in an earlier arc. To fans of the comics seeing that familiar robot around confirmed the show would soon be introducing one of the team's best villains into the cartoon's continuity. I've never had a chance to read the original Ultron saga in comic form, so the chance of seeing an animated retelling has been high on my want-to-see list since I first heard this series was starting. I'm not surprised they waited until the end towards the end of the first season to bring in Ultron either, as his cold, artificial intelligence brings just the right amount evil robot-cliche conflict to the show.
Hey, I happen to love evil robot cliches!