'If dislike is the opposite of like, is disaster the opposite of aster?' - Robin
Well, to paraphrase Superboy in this weeks episode, 'I am totally feeling the 'aster'.
I think it's safe to say that
Young Justice has already done things with the team superhero format that neither
Teen Titans
Justice League
ever did. There's a richness to the character dynamics between Super Heroes that usually plays out solely in the realm of the costumed escapades. Unless your name is
Smallville, in which case the costumes are an afterthought. My memory of
Justice League
may be a little hazy, but I don't recall them ever exploring what these people are like out of costume. That sort of stuff was kept for shows about the individuals. You didn't want to see Bruce Wayne hanging out at Watchtower, you want to see Batman.
Teen Titans
always had our heroes 'in character' and in costume, whether they were in the field or watching movies in their ridiculous T shaped headquarters.
Young Justice says, 'we've written that before and you guys have seen it before'. So by episode five, a series centred around the teenage heroes indulges in a quiet moment between Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent in a diner (in civvies), discussing the complex paternal relationship that needs to form between Kent and his clone, Superboy. In another show, this conversation would have happened on a rooftop, and in costume. For the first time I realise how absurd it is for these Gods amongst men to make every little conversation more melodramatic than it needs to be; in outer space, or in a hollowed out mountain, or a Bat-cave. It makes so much more sense for this intimate moment to take place between the two real people, as opposed to their public personas. They're all friends after all right? The exchange itself is superb, succinctly defining the two characters and their differing approach to the dilemma of a perpetually pissed off Superboy (with a cute gag involving Clark and Bruce ordering Apple Pie and Devils Food Cake, respectively) The banner at the top of the review may say
Young Justice but I'm certain this series will encompass as much (maybe more) of the DC Universe as any one series before it.